SSM now allows single director Company.
We provide fast, easy & low price Company registration. Contact us today!
This website is owned by
Jin Seng & Danny
Secretarial Services
- Fast, Sincere & Efficient
- Quick Response
- Over 20 years experience
- Low & Competitive Price
- Uses customized secretarial software
Any Enquiries? Feel free to contact us via:
@ 013-8 0 6 8 6 9 1
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Maintenance of Company
Many things that you will need to consider and manage when it comes to maintaining a Company. To build a successful Company, besides sales and marketing, you will need to have knowledge in Company Law for example what should you do when you want to transfer shares, appoint new directors, resignation of directors, allotment of shares and many more. Failing to comply with the Malaysia Company Law may result in unnecessary costs.
Let us help you by providing necessary advices and fast & accurate secreterial services by becoming your Company's Company Secretary. As a Company Secretary, we can help you to file, submit and keep necessary documents when it comes to the following :
- Annual Return Submission
- Appointment of New Directors
- Resignation of Active Directors
- Transferring of Shares
- Allotment of Shares (Increasing of Paid Up Capital)
- Company Name change
- Change Company Address
- Amendment in Constitution / Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Strike Off Company from registrar
- Change of Company Secretary
- ..and etc.
Important items, documents, books and records such as the register book, minutes book, share certificates and common seal are required to be kept at the registered office. All changes on your Company will be kept and maintained by us for an up to date records and register of changes.